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Higher quality video feedback just more video synths just more video synths city trips iridescent bubble wrap hades face reveal just more video synths just more video synths just more video synths
just more video synths just more video synths just more video synths looping experiments looping experiments square waves at 45ish degrees not-syncing Just-barely not whole number patterns I sorta looped feedback! I looped feedback!
Strange card game commercial Skin ball Inside flesh broken shader. broken shader. broken shader. broken shader. oscillations Warp Speed in Neon
Neon Circles Techno Cat 02 Techno Cat 01 The Eye Purple Line Warp Kaleido Red Flower Kaleido Flashing Kaleido 2 Flashing Kaleido Speed of Neon Light
NES Year Of The Dragon oscillations mosh Warped dots Moire Blobs RCA and VGA converter feedback loop RCA and VGA converter feedback loop RCA and VGA converter feedback loop RCA and VGA converter feedback loop
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. 580 »