
this page is not available in english. but like this:
videopong could not exist without our partners and our sponsors. please support us.

kompiuterzeugs gmbh
develops & keeps videopong running since 2008

swiss departement for culture - sitemapping
financial support 2009 - 2011

shift festival
financial support 2008

videokultur - swiss vj union
project support

bildstörung live vjs
project development

online vj-tool development

old videopong logo & generative tree

will copps
text editing

bruce lane - batchass
actionscript developer and live performer

AZOPCORP - French Breakcore/Chiptune
producer, former VJ and proficient web developer

resolume - VJ Software
contest prize sponsoring

livid instruments - celldna VJ Software
contest prize sponsoring

CoGe - VJ Software
contest prize sponsoring

Vidvox - VDMX VJ Software
contest prize sponsoring

Blendy Dome VJ - Fulldome VJ Software
contest prize sponsoring

Fulldome UK - Dome Festival (UK)
contest prize sponsoring

TenTon Raygun - Vj tools and interactive design
videopong plugin for resolume